10 December 2013
During a routine inspection
Most people receiving a service in their own homes told us that they were happy with the care they received. One person said "they brighten my day" and another told us "we always have a laugh, it's company for me". One family member told us that they were grateful that the carers were so skilled and "fitted in well". They said "we're fortunate to have this service, I've got no complaints".
However there were some people with higher care needs who had had cause to complain. This was mainly in relation to inadequate staffing levels. They also told us that sometimes less experienced care staff were sent and that they often don't know the routines as well. At times this situation left the person feeling upset and anxious. This is detailed in the main body of this report.
The service had recently lost its registered manager and had yet to recruit a replacement. In the interim the regional manager was overseeing this service and it was pleasing to note that they had identified areas for improvement and had already put plans in place to address all issues found.