17 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Risk assessments and care plans were up to date. Care plans were detailed and person centred. People were cared for in safe, accessible surroundings.
Risk assessments and care plans were up to date. Care plans were detailed and person centred. People were cared for in safe, accessible surroundings.
All people's risk assessments and care plans were up to date. Care plans were detailed and person centred. There were suitable emergency and incident reporting procedures in place. However, the home was not always able to maintain the welfare of people using the service.
People were cared for in safe, accessible surroundings. However, some areas of the home were in a state of disrepair and this did not always promote people's wellbeing.
There was a complaints policy in place and people were given information and assistance in making a complaint.
Four of the people living at the home indicated through sign language that they were happy living at Oxberry Avenue.