6, 10, 17 February 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found that the reviews undertaken and care plans created did not reflect people's needs in sufficient detail. We noted that many of the live in care packages had been reviewed; however some concerns around the management of those plans remained. We remained concerned with regard to the overall management and care provided to people who received domiciliary care packages.
People were not protected from the risk of harm because scheduled visits were often late, we also found that eight people had missed visits since our last inspection which placed them at risk of harm. Therefore we were not assured people's needs were being met.
We identified incidents where the provider had failed to respond appropriately to allegations of abuse. We also found that the provider had failed to provide safe care to children.
We found that the service was not well led. Overall we found evidence that supported that there has been a systemic failure of the service. The service was not effective in evidencing that safe care was provided to people who used the services.