6 April 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
We were told by the manager and by relatives that people living at 199 Doseley Road would be unable to give consent to care and treatment. In order to ensure that people receive support that respects their rights and meets their needs the home works with family members, and health and social care professionals. Relatives told us that communication has improved in this area recently and they feel very involved and consulted where necessary. We were told by the manager that when people cannot consent the family are consulted. One relative said, 'They are very good like that'.
People living at 199 Doseley Road are currently enjoying a good quality of life, taking part in activities of their choice and being supported safely and competently. During our visit people were seen to be happy and welcoming. People were being supported discreetly and sensitively. From observations and discussions with staff it was evident that they were very aware of people's individual care and support needs and were confident to meet them.
When we visited the home we saw one person organising a snack and one person enjoying a favourite drink. Staff were aware of what foods people can and cannot eat.
A relative told us that the home has, 'A good choice of menu and drinks are always on hand'.
We did not speak with the people using the service about the way in which it safeguards people who use the services from abuse. However we were told that people's behaviours reflect how they are feeling. Everyone we spoke with said that people are now happy and enjoying a better quality of life. Incidents within the home have as a result greatly reduced.
People who spoke with us about the home said that it is currently very clean and well maintained. Relatives told us, 'The home has been redecorated, deep cleaned and new furnishings purchased'. They also said, 'Cleanliness was an issue in the past and this has now been resolved'.
During our visit we observed two staff administering medication to one person. Staff followed their procedure which was seen to offer numerous safeguards against error. The person receiving the medication decided where to be when receiving the medication and also how to receive it. Staff accommodated these wishes discreetly and the person was visibly happy that they had been listened to.
Two people said, 'Yes' they like their house. One person showed us some new bedding that they had purchased on the morning of our visit. One person was very proud to show us the recently redecorated lounge and in particular the new wide screen television.
Observations at the time of our visit suggested that staff have formed good relationships with the people they support. People were relaxed in staff's company and confident to fetch or call staff to help them. We also saw sufficient numbers of staff available to offer individualised support in a timely manner. No one had to wait for assistance and staff had time to sit and talk with people after lunch. A relative told us that the home has, 'Got some wonderful staff, loving and caring'.
We did not speak directly to people who use the service about how it assesses and monitors quality however we did speak with two relatives who told us that they receive surveys to complete in relation to the quality of the service provided and are now actively involved in regular meetings where they have the opportunity to share their views and experiences. These meetings have been welcomed by relatives who currently consider that they are listened to by the home.
Relatives told us that they have used the complaints procedure in the past and have been happy with the outcomes. Both said however that the difficulty within the home has always been sustaining the changes made as a result. Both felt hopeful that recent changes within the home, the staff team and the management team will ensure that improvements will now be maintained.