29 October 2013
During a routine inspection
Measures were in place to ensure food stocks and cooked food was hygienically prepared. We saw records that showed that the refrigerator temperatures, cooking temperatures, batch cooking temperatures and chilling temperatures were monitored and recorded. We looked at a sample of recordings from the previous four months and found these to be fully completed.
The deputy manager confirmed that all members of staff received training in safeguarding adults on commencement at the service and received refresher training annually. Care workers we spoke with were able to describe the main types of abuse and the actions they would take if abuse was suspected.
We looked at three staff files, all contained evidence of identity and that staff had all completed DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks. The care workers had completed an application form which requested details of their employment history and reasons for leaving last employment.
People who use the service, their representatives and staff were asked for their views about their care and treatment and they were acted on. We looked at the resident satisfaction survey that was conducted in August and September 2013. At the time 18 people lived at Monmouth house and the survey returned 17 responses. 21% of people who used the service rated the quality of care as 'excellent' and 79% rated the quality of care as 'good'.