This inspection took place on 27 March 2017. 3 Clareville Road is a care home providing residential care for up to 10 people with learning disabilities. At the time of our inspection there were nine people living at the service.
There was not a registered manager in post; however a temporary manager was in place whilst awaiting the return of the previous registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Medicines were administered safely. However we found that peoples PRN protocols were out of date and did not contain details of current prescribed medicines.
People received care from staff that had training and experience. Staff received mandatory training. However, additional training that staff could need to meet people’s specific needs had not taken place. We have made a recommendation about this.
Relatives thought their family member were safe. Staff had a good understanding of how to keep people safe. Guidelines were in place for people to access social media safely and a safeguarding policy and whistleblowing policy were available to staff. Care records contained up to date risk assessments to keep people safe whilst encouraging independence
People's needs were met because there was enough staff deployed at the service. The provider followed safe recruitment practices.
The home had been re-decorated and improvements made to the environment. People were protected from hazards in the home.
People were supported by staff who had supervisions (one to one meetings) and an annual appraisal with their line manager.
Staff worked in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). Staff were able to explain what the MCA was and when it applied. Mental capacity assessments were being completed and best interest meetings were being held. DoLS applications had been completed for all people who required them.
The staff met people's dietary needs and preferences. People’s health care needs were monitored and any changes in their health or well-being prompted a referral to their GP or other health care professionals.
There was a sufficient range of activities for people to be involved in that met people’s needs.
People were provided with support from staff who were caring. Staff knew, understood and responded to each person’s diverse needs in a caring and compassionate way. Staff knew people well, treated them with respect and encouraged their independence.
People were encouraged to be involved in the running of their home and were able to personalise their rooms.
Care plans were detailed, person centred and contained information on people’s lifestyles and preferences. They contained detail on who was important to them, what people were good at doing, how people communicated and how to recognise someone was in pain. They clearly detailed what support each person required. The care provided was person centred and reviewed on a regular basis.
Relatives knew how to complain and staff knew how to respond to complaints.
Relatives thought the home was well managed. The manager promoted a positive culture and staff were aware of the vision and values of the home. The manager responded well when incidents occurred.
Audits were completed. These included weekly health and safety audits which were completed by staff and people and medication audits. The manager completed a monthly report for her manager which monitored staffing, staff supervision, staff training, risk assessments, staff meetings and an analysis of untoward events
People, their relatives and staff had completed surveys and these had been responded to.
Staff were involved in the running of the home. Regular meetings took place where staff received important messages and shared good practice. Staff felt supported by their manager.
We made one recommendations to the registered provider.