Our current view of the service
28 June 2024
Date of assessment 09 September to 07 October 2024. We visited the NCYPE - College Residential Services Lingfield on the 09 and 07 October 2024. NCYPE - College Residential Services Lingfield (NCYPE) provides specialist education and residential provision for children and young people with neurological conditions, learning and physical disabilities. People attended the onsite college and due to the nature of the service provided, residential care is offered during term time only. This assessment took place in response to some concerns raised by the local authority. There is one registered manager who oversees the provision of care to 60 people who live in 9 houses on the same site. Each house has a senior house manager, while most houses also have a house manager and a care co-ordinator. We assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence, and good access to community facilities. We assessed 6 quality statements in the key questions of safe and well led only. We found the service was aware of the issues raised and were already actively addressing them, therefore we found no breaches of regulation and the service remains rated as Good.
People's experience of the service
28 June 2024
The service was able to demonstrate how they were meeting the underpinning principles of Right Support, Right Care and Right Culture. People were supported by staff who understood their diagnoses, care needs and were aware of how to provide support to mitigate risks people posed to themselves and the safety of others. People received kind, caring, personalised support which considered their backgrounds, beliefs and interests. People were encouraged to partake in education, hobbies and activities that were meaningful to them. People were supported to have choice and control over their daily lives and encourage to make longer term goals when their education finished at NCYPE. Staff supported people to be as independent as possible and considered how information was presented to them to support decision making and positive risk taking. People said they felt safe with staff and were happy with the support provided by them. Family members told us, “There is a very calm, relaxed and welcoming environment. Staff all seem supportive of each other and seem like a good team.” They also said that staff offered encouragement and support to people to make choices which helped to develop their independence. We were told, “They have meetings in which people decide which activities they want to do, such as bowling, swimming, the park, trips to London.”