We spoke with the people who used the service. They told us that the care was 'very good' and 'people looked after you.' One person told us that staff 'treats us well.' We spoke with the staff and they told us that they enjoyed working there. One staff member told us that they felt 'each day was different with a different experience.'
We saw that staff had training in safeguarding and that there was a corporate safeguarding policy in place to support them. The people who used the service told us that they felt safe and would talk to the staff if they had any concerns.
We saw that the interaction between staff and the people who used the service was warm and friendly. The people we spoke with told us that the staff team were 'very happy and friendly.' One person told us that there was often a 'lot of laughter.'
We saw that there was a complaints leaflet on display in the reception area. The manager told us they would give all new arrivals into the service a leaflet detailing how people could complain.
We looked at the care plans of five people who used the service. We saw that they had been developed to meet the needs of the individual. There were risk assessments in place but only in two of the plans we looked at. The provider might like to note that it would be useful to have risk assessment plans in place for all the people who used the service to reduce the risk of harm.