We spoke to 12 people during our visit. People told us that they were involved in house meetings and Castlebeck forum meetings. They said that in these meetings they talked about holidays and the Olympics. People told us that they were treated with respect and had their privacy valued. Some people showed us that they had keys to their bedroom doors so they could keep them locked and private. People told us of their hopes to move on from Hollyhurst and that staff had been helping them with this.
We asked people about the activities they had been involved with. One person told us that they been to Blackpool that weekend to see the lights. Other people told us that they went horse riding, shopping in the local community and attended college courses.
Those people we talked to knew about person centred planning and said that they had helped write their plans. People told us they had a keyworker and a named nurse. They said they were helped to go the dentist and to get their eyes tested. One person told us they were hoping to get a brace to improve their teeth. Another person told us how they were involved in activities to develop their daily living skills, like cooking, ironing and washing. They also told us, that as part of their care plan to live independently, they would be able to go out into the community on their own.
A third person told us of their plans to get a tattoo and how the staff were supporting them with this.
We asked people if they were unhappy would they feel able tell someone about it. They said:
'I would speak to Jean (the manager) or Alison (the deputy manager) and make it absolutely clear' and
'I would go to my nurse if I needed anything'.
Other comments from people included:
'They (the staff) treat me well',
'They (the staff) are spot on',
'All in all it's a very nice place'.
'I like it here',
'I like washing the vans',
'Jeff's my keyworker. He drives the buses',
'I've got a busy day tomorrow, I've got to be up early for breakfast as I am going to college all day',
'I'm looking forward to the Halloween party; we have prizes for the best costume and best dancer' and
'My named nurse helped me to write my care plan'.