• Care Home
  • Care home

Beaufort House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

7 Rectory Road, Burnham-on-sea, TA8 2BY (01278) 786320

Provided and run by:
Beaufort Park Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 2 October 2024

Date of Assessment: 15 October 2024 to 22 October 2024. Beaufort House is a care home providing support to older people and younger adults living with dementia, sensory impairment and physical disabilities. The service had a good learning culture and people could raise concerns. People were protected and kept safe. The facilities and equipment met the needs of people, were clean and well-maintained and any risks mitigated. There were enough staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience. People received their medicines in a safe way. People were involved in assessments of their needs. People always had enough to eat, drink and stay healthy, although we received mixed feedback regarding the food and food choices at the service. Staff worked with all agencies involved in people’s care. They monitored people’s health to support healthy living. Staff made sure people understood their care and treatment to enable them to give informed consent. Staff involved those important to people to make decisions in people’s best interests where they did not have capacity. People were treated with kindness and compassion. Staff treated them as individuals and supported their preferences. The service supported staff wellbeing. People were involved in decisions about their care. People knew how to give feedback and were confident the service took it seriously and acted on it. People received fair and equal care and treatment. The service worked to reduce health and care inequalities through advocating for people. Leaders and staff had a shared vision and culture based on listening, learning and trust. Staff felt supported and were treated equally. Managers worked with the local community to deliver the best possible care and were receptive to new ideas. The service was involved in projects and used innovative technology to improve people’s quality of life.

People's experience of the service

Updated 2 October 2024

There was a positive culture within the service. People felt safe and were positive about the quality of their care. Comments included, "I'm lucky to be here" and "You couldn't find better, I would recommend, always safe and generally okay." During the inspection we observed kind and respectful interactions between people and staff. People were complimentary about the staff supporting them. Comments included, "The girls all know what they are doing" and "I always get the help I need." One person told us there is "Always something to do if you want to, but there is no pressure to do it". People felt able to complain and were confident action would be taken and improvements would be made. People knew staff and leaders well. Comments included, "If we want something [registered manager] is there" and "I would complain to [registered manager]." One relative also told us "the manager gives you lots of time." People had their needs assessed and received care in accordance with their identified needs. People's care plans and risk assessments gave staff guidance of people's needs and preferred routines. People lived in a safe, clean and well-equipped environment that met their needs. One person told us, "It's a lovely place, lovely to have the grounds." A relative told us, "As soon as I came here, I knew it was the one."