9 July 2012
During a themed inspection looking at Domiciliary Care Services
We used postal surveys, telephone interviews and home visits to people who use the service and to their main carers (a relative or friends) to gain views about the service.
For this inspection we used the information received from 5 returned postal surveys. We spoke over the phone with 19 people who use the service and to 8 family members.
We spoke over the telephone with 19 people who received a service from this agency. The majority spoke positively about their care workers and felt that nearly every staff member supported their care needs. They told us that their regular care workers spoke with them in a pleasant, calm and respectful way. However some new, less experienced care workers were not so respectful.
We visited four people in their own home as part of this review and spoke with them and two relatives about their experiences of the support they had received. We spoke with the manager and senior staff at the time of our visit, one care worker out in the community and two care workers who were visiting the office.
Most of the people we spoke with told us that their care was centred on their needs. They told us that care workers would use their preferred names. In most cases, people were happy with their care workers. However, a minority of people felt some less experienced staff only did a, "Fair job" and some, 'Did not cut the mustard.'
The four people we visited told us about their care plan They told us that they received calls from the office about their care to ensure they were receiving what was expected and that a senior care worker visited on occasions to review the care plan. One person told us "I can call the office at any time if I need my care changing."
Most of the people felt that staff were well trained and understood their needs. However, we did receive some comments suggesting that staff could do with some further training as some were not so good and had to be shown by one relative what to do.
People told us that they felt safe, and if they had any concerns they would call the office.
Out of 52 postal survey sent out by us only 5 (9.6%) had been returned.