8, 9 July 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes the number of different methods we used to help us understand the experiences of people using the service. We looked at records, staff files and the provider's policies; we spoke with nine people using the service and one relative of a person using the service by telephone and five staff members. We also spoke with the registered manager and the general manager during our inspection.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
In the 13 copies of people's care records held in the office we looked at, we saw that risk assessments regarding people's individual care and support needs were carried out and that measures were in place to minimise those risks.
Records we looked at showed us that people who had chosen to be assisted in this way were supported with their prescribed medication by staff who were trained. However, the provider was unable to provide us with robust evidence that staff were assessed for their competency to administer medication, as we only saw evidence of this in two out of the five staff files we looked at.
On examination of 13 people's care records and five staff files, we found these indicated to us that the provider kept accurate records which could be located promptly when needed.
Is the service effective?
People we spoke with made mainly positive comments about the care and support people received and that it enabled them to remain independent in their own homes. One person told us that, 'Staff are polite and give me choice, they listen to me.'
People who used the service and a relative who we spoke with said that staff respected people choices and the decisions they made. This was confirmed by the staff we spoke with who talked us through their process of gaining consent.
Staff we spoke with told us that staff meeting were open forums, where they were encouraged by management to ask any questions or make any suggestions that they may have had.
Is the service caring?
One person we spoke with told us that, '(Staff) are polite, they ask me what I would like and respect my choice.' Another person told us that, 'Hales Group Limited Peterborough has improved over the last few months. I feel that I can contact the office and they will try to help.'
Is the service responsive?
People and relatives we spoke with told us that the care and support met their or their relative's wishes and current care and support needs. We saw evidence in the care records we looked at that people had signed to say that they agreed their plan of care and support.
Is the service well-led?
People and relatives of people using the service who we spoke with told us how staff assisted them with the support and care that they had agreed to.
People who used the service and their relatives were asked for their feedback on the service provided. People we spoke with said that they were aware of how to raise a concern with the provider.