Five people were living in the home when we visited. We spoke with three of them about their experience of living there. The other two people were unable to tell us about their experiences due to their learning disability, so we spent time observing the support they received from staff. We also spoke with three members of staff and the manager. We looked at some of the home's records and two records of people who lived there.People's privacy and dignity were respected. We saw staff knocking on people's doors and waiting for an answer before entering. People told us they could spend time alone in their bedroom when they wanted to.
People received care and support that met their individual needs. One person said, "The staff are alright, I chose my key worker." Another person told us, "I like everything here, the staff are all good to me." We saw that staff supported individuals in the way that was written in their care plan.
We found that if people were unwell or needed extra support, staff supported them to see the relevant health professionals. We saw a member of staff checking that a doctor's appointment had been made for one person as the person had requested this the day before.
Staff supported people to go out and do the things they enjoyed. One person said, "We go out for meals sometimes in the evenings and we often go shopping and choose what food we want."
We saw that people were encouraged to be independent. One person said, " I make my own drinks." We saw that people made their own drinks and helped staff with jobs around the house.
People told us they felt safe living at the home. We saw that staff had received training in how to safeguard people from harm and they showed they knew how to do this.
Staff told us the manager supported them. We saw that staff received the training they needed to know how to support the people living there.
We saw that the people living there and their relatives were asked for their views about the home. People told us that they knew how to complain if they were unhappy but had not needed to do this.