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  • Homecare service

Gorton Mill House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

420 Abbey Hey Lane, Manchester, M18 8DU (0161) 888 2636

Provided and run by:
Medacs Healthcare PLC

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 24 October 2024

Date of Assessment: 4 to 10 December 2024. The service is an extra care scheme providing support to older people living in their own flats. The scheme had 106 flats, with 27 people receiving support from the service at the time of our inspection. People and staff could raise concerns, and these were addressed. However, some relatives said improvements were not always sustained. People and relatives said they felt safe supported by the staff team. Risks were identified and managed. People received their medicines as prescribed. There were enough staff to meet people’s needs, and they had the training for their roles. Relatives’ feedback was that a minority of staff did not communicate well with people, ask people what they wanted in appropriate ways, encourage them to do things for themselves and were not able to prepare the food people liked. The registered manager was aware of these issues, and had addressed them with the staff team. They said there had been no recent feedback of this nature since the actions had been taken. Feedback provided by the service’s annual surveys and via commissioners and social workers was positive about the support provided by the staff team. People’s needs were assessed and regularly reviewed. People and their relatives were involved in agreeing their support needs. Staff supported people to maintain their heath. The service had established a drop-in wellbeing session, which was also open to the local community. Staff respected people’s privacy and dignity. The service had set up weekly bingo sessions to reduce people’s social isolation. The service supported staff wellbeing. Staff enjoyed working for the service and said the management team were approachable. They felt listened to and any issues raised would be actioned. A governance system was in place to monitor the service. Staff understood their roles and responsibilities. Feedback from partners was positive about working with Gorton Mill House and the support they provided.

People's experience of the service

Updated 24 October 2024

Feedback we received was mixed. Relatives and people said they felt safe living at Gorton Mill House and most staff were kind and respectful. However, a minority of staff did not always interact socially when providing support. They also asked people closed questions, giving them the chance to refuse support rather than prompting them with different choices for their support. It was reported that some staff did not know how to prepare the meals people wanted. This was felt to be a cultural issue. These issues had been addressed with the staff team and additional training and resources had been provided. We were told no similar issues had been raised with the management team since these actions had been taken. Feedback gathered from people and relatives by social workers and commissioners, and through the provider’s annual survey, was overwhelmingly positive. A professional said, “The feedback from the citizens that we work with at Gorton Mill House has been good, and we rarely have concerns about the care raised.” People and relatives said they had been involved in agreeing their support. They said they knew the management team and felt able to raise concerns. Most said these were then addressed, although a minority said improvements were not always sustained.