Updated 11 March 2020
Newmarket House is an independent hospital providing specialist services for people with eating disorders. The hospital does not admit patients detained under the Mental Health Act 1983.
The service provides ten beds for men and women. At the time of the inspection, there were nine female patients receiving care and treatment. The service has a registered manager and a controlled drugs accountable officer.
Newmarket House was registered in May 2014 to carry out the regulated activities:
- accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
- and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
Newmarket House was last inspected on 12 December 2016. Following the 2016 inspection we issued a requirement notice for breaches of the following regulation:
Regulation 12 HSCA (RA) Regulations 2014 Safe care and treatment;
- The provider must ensure that the room temperature of the clinic room and nurse office, where medication is stored, is recorded daily and guidance provided to staff in the event of readings outside the required temperatures.
- The provider must ensure that controlled drugs are checked and recorded accurately.
- The provider must ensure as required medication is reviewed regularly.
We also identified action the provider should take to improve:
- The provider should ensure that clinical supervision is delivered to all staff.
- The provider should review the provision of private space for patients to receive visitors.
- The provider should ensure care plans are holistic.
- The provider should review the arrangements for disabled access to the building.
- The provider should improve how lessons learned from incidents are disseminated to front line staff.
- The provider should ensure that Mental Capacity Act training is completed by all staff.
At this inspection, the provider had made most of the required improvements. However, although staff were recording the temperature of the clinic room daily, staff were not recording what actions were taken following an abnormally high reading.