- GP practice
Holyhead Primary Healthcare Centre
Report from 31 July 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Holyhead Primary Healthcare Centre is an NHS General Practice in Handsworth, Birmingham. The area in which the practice operates scores 1 (most deprived) on the Index of Multiple Deprivation Scale. There were 9,643 patients registered with the practice at the time of our assessment. The practice operates in a culturally diverse area where 48.9% of the practice population is Asian, 18.6% Black, 21.4% White. The provider is registered with CQC under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 to provide the following regulated activities from this practice: treatment of disease, disorder or injury, diagnostic and screening procedures, maternity and midwifery services and surgical procedures. We carried out an announced comprehensive assessment of all 5 key questions (Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-Led), between 20 September 2024 and 11 October 2024. This assessment was carried out to provide a rating and assess the quality of services being delivered. This practice had previously not been assessed under the current provider. We found the whole staff at Holyhead Primary Healthcare Centre to be strongly patient focused, putting the needs of the patient at the heart of their clinical and managerial decision making. Patient feedback indicated that access was difficult for some patients. We recognise the pressure that practices are currently working under; demand for general practice is exceptionally high and access to general practice is a significant concern nationally. We found a strong focus on safety with clear governance procedures. Complaints and learning incidents were investigated and learning shared across the whole team. Staff involved people in decisions about their care and treatment and supported them to ask questions. We saw evidence that the current provider had made positive changes to policy and practice that was improving the quality of the patient experience.
People's experience of this service
Patient feedback that we reviewed as part of this assessment was mixed about their experience at this practice. The results of the 2024 National GP patient survey (01 January 2024 to 31 March 2024) showed that 68% of patients who responded to the survey felt their overall experience of the practice was good. This was slightly above the average for the Primary Care Network (PCN - A PCN is a group of GP practices who work together to provide local services), however below the national average of 74%. The practice scored above the national average of 50% to the question about accessing the practice by phone, 56% of patients who responded said it was easy. Eighty-four percent of people who responded to the survey felt the reception and administrative team were helpful, this was above the national average of 83%. When considering their last appointment 85% of people felt their needs were met by their healthcare professional, this was slightly below the national average of 90%. Patient feedback on the Birmingham Healthwatch website showed people had given an average rating of 3 stars and on the NHS website, two thirds of 6 reviews gave 4 stars or above. Negative comments were mainly related to access. Feedback from patients we spoke to as part of the assessment was mostly positive. However, some patients reported difficulties getting an appointment by phone and some patients for whom English was not their first language reported difficulty using the NHS App to book an appointment. The Friends and Family Test is used by NHS services to assess the satisfaction of their users. The latest data provided by the practice from March 2024 showed 83.33% of responses rated the experience of the practice as good or very good. The practice provided unverified data from their own patient survey (01 April to 30 September 2024) which showed 83% of 984 respondents rated their overall experience as good or very good.