At the previous inspection in October 2013 non-compliance had been found in several areas of the service. The provider submitted information to the Care Quality Commission including an action plan and updates on a two weekly basis regarding the work completed.We carried out a further inspection to assess the providers progress with achieving compliance. We sent questionnaires to people who used the service, interviewed people over the telephone and looked at the results of a large survey the provider had completed. We found people were generally satisfied with the support they received although common issues were raised through all the information gathered regarding call times, capability of staff and contact with office based staff. A large amount of reviews had been undertaken but the quality of these was inconsistent.
We found staff had undergone safeguarding training. Procedures followed when escalating issues had greatly improved. The management were recording, investigating and reporting any issues to the correct authorities when required.
There had been improvements in supervision and performance based monitoring with staff. All overdue training had been completed and a system was in place to ensure these areas continued to improve.
Work around quality assurance included implementation of new systems to improve monitoring and auditing. There were gaps in recording and some documentation required further improvement to ensure it was fit for purpose.