11, 18 August 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
A manager was appointed by the company and was then registered with us in March 2014. When we visited the service again on 11 August 2014 we found considerable improvement.
We found that monitoring systems were effective in improving the quality of the service and managing risk. Audits were undertaken on a monthly and quarterly basis to monitor the quality of the service and to note trends. There was a system in place to record and investigate any incidents. Findings and trends identified by audits and investigations were fed back to staff through clinician's discussions and regular clinic meetings in order to improve the service.
We found that the complaint system was effective in addressing verbal as well as written complaints. Complaints were dealt with locally to try to arrive at resolution, or nationally by the provider if they progressed beyond stage one of the procedure. The provider took action to respond to complaints. The outcome of complaints and comments was used to improve service at the clinic.