An inspector visited this service on 12 May to carry out an inspection. Prior to our visit we looked at all the information we hold on this service to help us to plan and focus on our five questions;Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service well led?
During the inspection we spoke with five people who used the service, three relative's, four care staff, two ancillary staff, the registered manager and the owner of the home. Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with five people who used the service who all told us that they liked living at the home and they were treated well, in the way that they wanted. We also spoke with three relatives who told us they were happy with the care and support the staff provided to their family. Some comments included; "(My family member) is extremely well looked after", "I am happy with Mayfield" and "I'm really pleased.' We saw that staff were compassionate and kind. Our observations and the comments from people we spoke with showed us that people were treated with empathy and dignity by the staff.
Is the service safe?
The people that we spoke with us told us they felt safe.
On the day of our inspection we saw that the bedrooms and communal areas of the home were clean and odour free, however we noted that some areas of the kitchen required cleaning to minimise the risk and spread of infection. We saw a weekly audit that was designed to identify the risk of infection; however the information recorded on this did not correspond with the findings of the inspector on the day of our inspection of Mayfield Care Home. We considered that improvements were required in this area.
The Care Quality Commission has a duty to monitor activity under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) to ensure vulnerable people over the age of 18 have their human and civil rights upheld. Care home providers must make application to the local authority when it is in a person's best interests to deprive them of their liberty in order to keep them safe from harm. During the inspection we discussed the recent changes to case law in relation to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. As a result of our discussion the manager contacted the appropriate authorities and has informed us that an application was in the process of being made. This showed us that the manager was knowledgeable of the action to take, if an application was required.
We saw that if a person required emergency first aid, there was a procedure in place to guide staff and staff had received training to enable them to support people effectively. This showed us that the home had systems in place to enable staff to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.
Is the service effective?
We saw that people who lived at Mayfield Care Home had care records that included assessments of their individual needs and risks. Each person had a support plan which contained information for care staff to enable care and treatment to be delivered in a way that met people's needs. We also saw that each person had a care plan in place which was person centred and contained risk assessments to identify and manage any risks identified. This showed us assessments were carried out to minimise any risks to people who used the service. However, during the inspection we noted that three risk assessments were not dated and a support plan required updating to reflect the person's current needs. We considered that improvements were required in this area.
Is the service responsive?
The service had systems in place to ensure that people were regularly consulted about their views and ideas on how the service should be run. This was done by means of regular discussions with people, satisfaction surveys and family meetings. We saw that if improvements were identified, these were actioned as appropriate. We spoke with three relatives who told us that the home sought their views and that they were happy with the level of involvement offered to them. We spoke with two visiting health professionals who told us that they considered the service to be responsive to people's needs and responsive to instructions. The records we viewed and the comments from people we spoke with showed us that the home responded to suggestions and feedback from people and also responded effectively to changes in people's health needs.
Is the service well led?
The service had some systems in place to ensure that areas for improvement were identified. We saw that a records audit was carried out to check that the information contained in the persons care records remained up to date and accurate. The manager told us that this was currently out of date as they had recruited a new deputy manager and this had delayed the audit process. We considered that the audit systems in place required improvement to identify and respond to any shortfalls noted.