People who used the service, their relatives and providers and managers of the care services people used were spoken with. They told us that members of the professional multi-disciplinary health and social care teams consulted them and respected and acted on the decisions they made about the treatment and support they agreed to.They told us that that they responded quickly to their requests for support or treatment. They said that they ensured that people received appropriate and safe care and support that met their assessed needs.
We found that each person had an individual assessment plan and that people received treatment and support from a mix of health and social care team members to ensure their needs were met and that identified risk was managed and reduced appropriately.
We found that members of the multi-disciplinary team worked with people for a long or short term and that they offered support and guidance to the providers, managers and staff providing care and support to people in a residential, nursing, shared housing and a domiciliary care setting.
Staff members within the multi-disciplinary team were provided with relevant support, held appropriate health and social care qualifications and received opportunities for appropriate professional development.
People were asked for their views about the support and treatment the multi-disciplinary team provided. They said that their suggestions for improvements were listened to and implemented.