The inspection visit took place on 7 September 2016 and was unannounced.Locharwoods Care Home is situated in a residential area of Formby, located close to public transport links, leisure and shopping facilities, Larcharwoods provides accommodation and personal care for up to 18 older people. It is a two storey property which is fitted with a passenger lift. All the bedrooms are for single occupancy and most have en-suite facilities. There is a lounge, dining room, small sitting room and conservatory on the ground floor. At the time of the inspection 18 people lived at the home.
A registered manager was in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
At the last inspection in 03 January 2014 we found the provider was meeting the requirements of the regulations inspected.
At this inspection we found the registered manager had systems in place to record safeguarding concerns, accidents and incidents and take appropriate action when required. Staff had received safeguarding adults training and understood their responsibilities to report any unsafe care.
We found recruitment checks were carried out to ensure suitable people were employed to work at the home and there were sufficient staff to meet people’s needs. This was confirmed by talking with staff members and looking at records of staff recruitment.
Staff received training and were knowledgeable about their roles and responsibilities. They had the skills, knowledge and experience required to support people with their care and social needs. One person who lived at the home said, “I have confidence in all the staff because they know what they are doing. I need help to get around my walking is not good and the staff know what they are doing.”
The registered manager understood the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). This meant they were working within the law to support people who may lack capacity to make their own decisions.
Risk assessments had been developed to minimise the potential risk of harm to people who lived at the home. These had been kept under review and were relevant to the care and support people required.
Care plans were in place detailing how people wished to be supported. People who received support or where appropriate their relatives were involved in decisions and consented to their care.
Staff responsible for assisting people with their medicines had received training to ensure they had the competency and skills required. People told us they received their medicines at the times they needed them.
During the inspection visit we observed regular snacks and drinks were provided between meals to ensure people received adequate nutrition and hydration. We observed the lunch time meal which was relaxed and organised. People who required support to eat their meals were supported by staff who were caring and patient. This was confirmed by talking with people who lived at the home. The cook had information about people’s dietary needs and these were met. One person who lived at the home said about the quality of food, “Lovely homemade food we have good cooks.”
We found people had access to healthcare professionals and their healthcare needs were met. On the day of our inspection visit one person was attending an outpatients appointment.
People who used the service and their relatives knew how to raise a concern or to make a complaint. The complaints procedure was available and people said they were encouraged to raise concerns. Where people had expressed concerns appropriate action had been quickly taken.
The registered manager used a variety of methods to assess and monitor the quality of the service. These included satisfaction surveys, spot checks, house meetings and care reviews. We found people were satisfied with the service they received.
The registered manager and staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities and were committed to providing a good standard of care and support to people in their care.