Updated 3 November 2021
Dorking Hospital Outpatients Department provides outpatient appointments for a number of specialities. Outpatient appointments were delivered by specialist doctors and consultants who also have practicing privileges in local healthcare settings; both NHS and independent health. The service refers patients for diagnostic tests or ongoing surgery at the local NHS trust and local independent hospitals.
The service provides outpatient appointments at two other sites, we did not inspect these sites during this inspection. The majority of outpatient activity is run from the outpatients department located in the community hospital in Dorking.
The service employs nurses and healthcare assistants and non-clinical support staff such as receptionist, medical secretaries, pathway coordinators and administration staff. GPs and consultants hold a contract with the service and can only refer patients to NHS trusts and local independent hospitals for further treatment where they had practising privileges. The service aims to give patients continuity of care, as the consultant they saw in their outpatient appointment was often the consultant carrying out their surgery.
The service provides a GP Improved Access Service (IAS), which provides additional appointments with GPs which covers evenings and weekends. For the last year this service has been virtual. The GP IAS is provided for three primary care networks, Dorking, South Tandridge and Redhill Phoenix. These three primary care networks are comprised of nine GP practices in total which have a joint patient population of approximately 100,000. The service also provides practice-based pharmacists and first contact physiotherapists which were not inspected as part of our inspection.
The service also provides nurses as part of rota for a community team for care of the elderly, which is organised by a local healthcare community provider. We did not inspect this service as part of our inspection.
The service provides a talking therapies service as part of the NHS improving access to psychological therapies programme. We did not inspect this service as part of our inspection.
The service is registered to provide the following regulated activities:
- Diagnostic and screening procedures
- Surgical procedures
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
The service has a registered manager with the CQC.
The service had not previously been inspected, this inspection was a comprehensive inspection which meant we inspected the service to see if the care they provided was safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.