Our current view of the service
16 October 2024
Home Instead Bedford is a domiciliary care agency and provides personal care to people living in their own homes. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. CQC only inspects where people receive the regulated activity of personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided. At the time of this inspection 43 people were receiving support with personal care.
We carried out our on-site assessment on 14 November 2024; off site assessment activity started on 12 November and ended on 28 November 2024. We spoke with 7 people using the service, 10 family members and 11 members of staff including the managing director and the registered manager. We also received written feedback from a further 9 members of staff and 6 health care professionals involved in people’s care. We looked 16 quality statements during this assessment.
We found people were receiving exceptional care in some key questions and have rated the key questions of Caring and Well-led as Outstanding.
People's experience of the service
16 October 2024
There was strong leadership which put people first and set high expectations for staff. They were proud to work for the service and felt valued for their work. A positive culture was demonstrated by the attitudes of staff and management when we talked with them about how they supported people.
Without exception, people spoke positively about their experience of using the service. Staff regularly provided care above and beyond people's planned arrangements and expectations. One person told us, “The company is professional and very very caring, and I can’t imagine not having them around.”
People who received live-in care were involved and supported to recruit and choose the staff who they wanted to care for them. People receiving homecare were matched to staff with the right skills and interests to ensure that successful applicants had the right values and skills to support people in line with their preferences.
People received care that focused on their quality of life and followed best practice, with input from a range of health and social care professionals. Health professionals commented how impressed they were with the knowledge of staff and their dedication to supporting people that fully respected their diverse needs.