1 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with four people using the service, three relatives, three members of staff and the service's acting manager. We observed support given to people using the service during our inspection. The four people spoken with told us they were happy and liked living at the service. One person said the service they received was 'jolly good' and they couldn't do 'anything but praise it.' A relative told us, 'I wouldn't want [the relative] to be anywhere else' than at the service. People looked happy and contented, and care and support were observed to be respectful and responsive to individuals' needs.
Staff ensured people were enabled to give their consent to care and support whenever possible. Where people did not have capacity to consent, effective systems ensured their rights and well-being were protected in line with legal requirements.
People at the service and staff knew and got on well with each other. We reviewed care plans for four people and found they were detailed, up-to-date and person-centred.
The service's systems and approach to care ensured people were protected from the risks of inadequate nutrition and dehydration. Medicines were safely administered, and appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to the obtaining, storage and recording of medicines.
The provider's recruitment and selection processes ensured staff employed were suitable and sufficiently skilled to provide effective care and support to vulnerable people. People were given any support necessary if they wanted to complain, and the service responded positively to any comments and complaints received.