We spoke with two people who used the service. They told us their treatment was discussed with them. One person said, "I knew which [nicotine replacement therapy] I wanted. It was very much my choice." People were happy with the service and the support it provided to help them quit smoking.The service was well publicised and accessible. Staff provided support at the smoking cessation clinic at Philpot Street and also at a number of GP surgeries across Hackney and Tower Hamlets. Staff confirmed that they followed NICE guidelines in relation to smoking cessation treatments. All prescriptions were signed by a doctor.
The provider ran a programme of research. We reviewed one study in which the unit was participating. We were shown evidence that there were robust governance arrangements to support this programme. Staff ensured that informed consent was obtained from people before they participated in any research.
Smoking cessation advisors were qualified and had taken specialist accredited training for the role. Staff members told us they had opportunities to update and develop their knowledge and skills. We saw evidence that the provider monitored the quality of service and was responsive to feedback from staff and people using the service.
The service had a clear safeguarding policy. However the provider had not taken reasonable steps to ensure that staff understood how to identify possible abuse or take appropriate action to safeguard vulnerable adults.