- Dentist
Archived: Danacre Dental Practice
All Inspections
12 August 2013
During a routine inspection
Patient records contained information about a person's medical history and details of any examination and proposed treatment. When we spoke with people using the service they were very positive about the quality of the dentistry they received and felt safe and reassured. One person said, "It's brilliant here. I have only had positive experiences."
The practice was well maintained. Instruments were cleaned and sterilised in line with published guidance from the Department of Health. An infection control audit had recently been undertaken.
Staff received an annual appraisal and supervision of their skills and competence. Skills levels were maintained through their continuous professional development training. One member of staff said, "I like working here. We are supported and the training is good."
The provider gathered feedback on the quality of services provided. Staff meetings took place where views and feedback were gathered. A patient survey had also taken place that highlighted that people were satisfied with the services provided. However the sample was very small and a larger sample could improve the reliability of the survey.
There was no audit framework in place to monitor the systems and processes in place at the practice. This is an area where improvements could be made.