Archived: Mental Health Services Canterbury and Coastal

The Old Bakery, Garfield Place, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8AB (01795) 590212

Provided and run by:

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

28 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to five people who used the service to gather their feedback on the support and treatment they received from the service. We spoke to staff about their roles, the training they had received and the services they provided. We also reviewed peoples' records and quality audits.

Every person we spoke with told us that staff had treated them with respect and all said that they had made progress with their treatment. One person said 'I was pleasantly surprised at the speed they came back to me after referral, I was offered options and am really feeling the benefit.' Another person told us "They have really helped me, they really focus on you as a person and take account of all your problems, they are excellent.'

The service had appropriate arrangements in place for reporting any safeguarding concerns that they had about the welfare of people and if appropriate the children of those who used their services. Adult protection and safeguarding children issues were being reported to the local authority, where staff felt that they may be at risk.

Staff received training and development that was relevant to their roles and to develop further with in the organisation.