- Dentist
Olive Dental Practice
All Inspections
During an assessment under our new approach
1 November 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found that improvements had been made. People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. This is because staff had received training and were aware of what action they should take to protect the safety and welfare of vulnerable children and adults who used the service.
6 August 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that staff treated people in a respectful and courteous manner. Several people commented on the relaxed and friendly atmosphere. One person told us that they always found the staff to be, 'Friendly and helpful.'
People told us that staff fully involved them in any decisions about their dental care and treatment. This was confirmed in our observations. We heard the dentist ask people if there had been any dental problems since they were last seen. Where people said that they had, we saw that staff listened and acted on the information given.
We found that not all of the staff had received training to ensure they knew what action to take when dealing with issues concerning mental capacity and in safeguarding people's welfare.
There were systems in place which enabled people to share their views of the service and influence how the service was run.
We observed that the reception and clinical areas were clean and tidy. People confirmed that they always found it to be of the same standard. One person remarked that they had, 'Never found it grubby.'