Updated 22 January 2024
Stonecroft provides short term respite to young adults who are living with a learning disability and also have other complex health needs. It is registered to accommodation 5 people. At the time of this assessment, 5 people were using the service. The respite service is located in a building that also accommodates a day centre run by the same provider which is often visited by people staying for respite. Stonecroft is known to people using the service as the ‘Chaos Hotel’, we will therefore refer to Stonecroft as the Chaos Hotel in this report. Our assessment activity started on the 29 January 2024. We assessed 6 quality statements. The assessment was prompted by an incident in which a person using the service sustained an injury. Concerns about the incident had been investigated and lessons learnt to ensure changes were made which improved care for others. There were some quality assurance systems in place to measure the quality and safety of the care being provided. However, there was scope to develop these further to ensure they provided adequate scrutiny of areas such as training compliance. The provider was taking action to address this. The service was able to demonstrate they were meeting some of the principles of Right support, right care, right culture. For example, people were being supported to develop their independence and the systems in place helped to ensure people were supported to participate in their chosen leisure activities on a regular basis and to access their local community. For example, we saw that people went swimming, helped in food banks and charity shops. There were effective systems and processes in place to make sure people were protected from abuse and overall relatives were confident that risks were managed safely. Staffing levels were appropriate, and recruitment processes promoted safety. Staff anticipated and responded to deterioration in people’s health. Staff spoke of effective leadership and a positive culture.