3 September 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
At that inspection we found that the provider had not taken the necessary action to ensure patients and others were protected from the risk of healthcare associated infections and there was insufficient safe and suitable equipment available. Staff were not supported to provide care and treatment to patients to an appropriate standard. Records were not stored securely.
As a result of that inspection we asked the provider to take action to address the issues on which we had concerns.
At this inspection we spoke with two dentists, two trainee dental nurses and a receptionist. The practice manager was not available on the day of our visit but we spoke with them subsequently.
We saw that the provider had taken the appropriate measures to help ensure that patients and others were protected from the risk of healthcare associated infections and sufficient equipment was available.
We found the provider had put in place processes and procedures to ensure that staff were appropriately supported. Training had been undertaken and a system for staff to receive appraisal had been introduced.