5 September 2014
During a routine inspection
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service well led?
This is a summary of what we found-
Is the service safe?
We judged the service to be safe because on the day of our visit we had evidence to show that care planning was being done in depth with good outcomes for individuals.
We also saw that there were suitable arrangements in place for reporting any suspected safeguarding issues.
The organisation made careful checks on any new member of staff so that only suitable staff members were employed.
Is the service effective?
We did not read care and support plans as no one was in receipt of personal care. We did have evidence to show that the manager and staff team understood how to work effectively with people recovering from mental illness. The seven people in the tenancies at The Beehive had made good recoveries and now only needed short support visits. The staff no longer had to support people with medicines.
Is the service caring?
We did not check this at this inspection but on the day we had also inspected the other service managed by the registered manager based in Whitehaven. We learned that these two services ran in a similar manner and staff covered both sites at times. We judged that the staff team were caring and sensitive to needs.
Is the service responsive?
We learned of minutes of tenants meetings and individual reviews. These showed that staff listened and responded to requests.
Is the service well-led?
This service was managed by a person who was an area manager and had responsibility for managing this service and another similar service. She also line managed a number of other managers.
We had evidence to show that she had suitable systems in place to manage teams of staff, the resources to meet peoples' needs and had an overview of the care needs of individuals.
We judged her to be a suitably experienced and trained person who managed this service in an appropriate way. She was knowledgeable about the needs of the people who used the service and about the staff team.