12 July 2012
During a routine inspection
People shared very positive experiences of the service they received. Comments included, 'It's a first class dental practice, they are absolutely spot on and would take a lot of beating.' 'They are very thorough and helpful and make me feel at ease.' 'I'm very happy there; they treat you as an individual. I wouldn't go elsewhere.'
People told us they were very much involved in their care and treatment. They said they were provided with enough information to make an informed decision about their treatment options. All but one person said they received an estimate of charges for proposed treatment and a copy of their treatment plan. People said the staff treated them with respect and upheld their privacy and dignity.
People told us their check ups were thorough and the outcome of any diagnostic tests were fully discussed with them, for example x-rays. Staff told us how they assessed people to ensure they received the appropriate treatment. People confirmed that dentists discussed the risks and benefits of treatment with them so they were better equipped to make informed decisions about their treatment.
People said the practice was always clean and the standard of cleanliness and hygiene was very good. They told us clinical staff wore personal protective clothing such as short sleeved uniforms, disposable gloves, masks and eye protection. Staff said they had received training in infection control and prevention to help minimise the risk of cross infection.
People told us they considered staff were competent in their work and they had developed positive working relationships with the staff at the practice. Staff confirmed they attended training to maintain their knowledge and skills in their work.
Some people told us they had completed a patient satisfaction survey to share their views about the service and make suggestions for improvement. Of the six patients we spoke with only one person suggested improvements. They told us the practice should be more upfront about the cost of procedures before carrying out treatment.