The inspection visit at Hillcroft Caton Green took place on 15 December 2016 and was unannounced.Hillcroft Caton Green is one of six services in the Hillcroft group. It is located in the village of Caton about five miles from Lancaster in a remote rural setting. Car parking facilities are available. It is registered to provide accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care, diagnostic and screening procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The building is a large stone build house adapted for use as a nursing home. There are extensive well-kept grounds. There are two units, one catering for people living with dementia care needs and the other for people whose behaviours may challenge. Hillcroft Caton Green can support a maximum of 35 people. At the time of our inspection, 31 people were living at the home.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
At the last inspection on 08 July 2014, we found the provider was meeting the requirements of the regulations that were inspected.
During this inspection, we noted the provider had systems that ensured people who lived at the home were safe. Records we looked at indicated staff had received abuse training and understood their responsibilities to report any unsafe care or abusive practices related to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. Staff we spoke with told us they were aware of the safeguarding procedure and knew what to do should they witness any abusive actions at the nursing home.
The provider had recruitment and selection procedures to minimise the risk of inappropriate employees working with vulnerable people. Checks had been completed prior to any staff commencing work at the service. This was confirmed from discussions with staff.
We found staffing levels were suitable with an appropriate skill mix to meet the needs of people who lived at the home. Staff told us they had experience of working in both units, this allowed them to get to know everyone living at the nursing home.
Staff responsible for administering medicines were trained to ensure they were competent and had the skills required. We investigated and noted medicines were kept safely and appropriate arrangements for storing medicines were in place.
Staff received training related to their role and were knowledgeable about their responsibilities. Staff told us they had a comprehensive induction when they started work. They had the skills, knowledge and experience required to support people with their care and support needs.
People and their relatives told us they were involved in their care and had discussed and consented to their care. We found staff had an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
People who were able told us they were happy with the variety and choice of meals available to them. We saw regular snacks and drinks were provided between meals to ensure people received adequate nutrition and hydration.
Comments we received demonstrated people and their relatives were satisfied with the care provided. The provider and staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities. They were committed to providing a good standard of care and support to people who lived at the home.
A complaints procedure was available and people and their relatives we spoke with said they knew how to complain. One person spoken with told us they had previously complained and were happy with the outcome. Staff spoken with felt the registered manager was accessible, supportive, approachable, and had listened and acted on concerns raised.
The registered manager had sought feedback from people who lived at the home and staff. They had formally consulted with people they supported and their relatives for input on how the service could continually improve.
The provider had regularly completed a comprehensive range of audits to maintain people’s quality of life and keep them safe.