- Dentist
Cheadle Village Dental Practice
All Inspections
5 November 2013
During a routine inspection
The people we spoke with were complimentary about the service they received. Some of the comments we received were; 'They are just fantastic,' 'I get a brilliant service' and 'The staff are lovely, you can discuss anything with them and they allay your fears.'
We were told that treatment options were always discussed with people and any questions were fully answered.
We were told that people had their privacy and dignity respected. One person said 'I couldn't ask for more respect he (the dentist) is very refreshing.'
We found the premises clean and well maintained. The practice had very recently undergone a programme of redecoration and refurbishment. People told us that the dental practice was always clean and tidy when they attended.
We looked at the practice's complaints procedure and found that it was clear and was available for people to access.