People who use the service said that they were supported in their decision making, and felt listened to. We saw a range of activities in which service user involvement was encouraged. People told us "staff put the information in front of you and help you make choices, and encourage you to help yourself". People were treated with respect and dignity and their privacy was upheld. We saw that individual needs were listened to and met. We saw that clients had contributed to their care and treatment plan and that their perspectives were taken into account.
There were a range of policies in place to meet the service users' needs.
There were measures in place to manage foreseeable emergencies, and staff were clear about their responsibilities.
The provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. Staff correctly described their specific safeguarding responsibilities and gave examples of reporting concerns.
Staff felt supported in their roles and in their induction and ongoing learning and development. They attended regular staff meetings where their comments and suggestions were listened to and acted upon.
There were a range of activities to monitor the quality of the services provided, which were reported and acted upon.