Archived: Lifeways Community Care (Halesowen)

Lygon Court 1st Floor, Hereward Rise, Halesowen, West Midlands, B62 8AN (0121) 501 1201

Provided and run by:
Lifeways Community Care Limited

All Inspections

5 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We carried out this inspection to check the care and welfare of people who used the service. We spoke with five people, six relatives, nine staff members, and the area manager.

One relative told us, 'They keep us updated and ask the right questions.' We found that people were asked for their consent before care and treatment was offered.

People we spoke with told us they received care that met their needs. We found that risks associated with activities were assessed and monitored. One person said, 'They do everything I have asked for.'

We found that arrangements were in place to ensure that people were safeguarded from harm.

We found that selection and recruitment processes were robust to ensure that only suitable staff were employed to work with vulnerable people.

Arrangements were in place for people and their relatives to complain. One relative told us, 'I complete the surveys they send out, but I have nothing but praise.'

People's care records were not always maintained and updated appropriately to show the care that had been delivered.

13 March 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited six homes of people who were supported by staff from Lifeways. We spoke with five people, spent time observing how another five people were supported by staff and spoke to one relative. We spoke to the regional manager, area manager, four service managers and eighteen staff.

People told us that they could choose what they did and what they ate and drank. They said that staff supported them to go out to the places they wanted to go to. We saw that staff knew what each person liked to do and how they wanted to be supported.

People's homes were well decorated and furnished. People told us that they had the things they wanted in their homes and chose how they were decorated.

We saw that people had been supported with their personal care so helping to promote their self esteem. People were supported where needed to attend health appointments and check ups with their doctor and dentist.

People told us that they knew who to speak to if they were not happy and would feel comfortable to do this. Staff told us they would have no hesitation in reporting poor practice or abuse if they saw this. They felt that they would be listened to and action would be taken to safeguard people from harm.

Staff told us that they were well supported, one member of staff said,"Lifeways is a good organisation with a genuine interest in doing a good job." Staff told us that they got the training they needed to support the people who used the service. Staff said that at all times of the day and night there was a manager on call to contact if needed.

People were asked for their views about how they were supported. Their views were listened to so the service could be improved to benefit them.