26 October 2012
During a routine inspection
We looked at the building and saw that all safety measures, such as fire extinguishers and smoke alarms, were in place. The building was in a good state of repair and there was space for people with mobility problems to move around without difficulty.
We spoke with the manager of the service and looked at a sample of four care plans.These contained all the relevant information needed to deliver care. The information was individualised and reflected each person's needs. We observed that consent forms had been signed when appropriate.
We spoke with two people whose relatives receive the respite service. One person said that they had 'no complaints whatsoever' and described the staff as interacting really well with their relative. Another person said that the service was 'brilliant' and they went on to say 'I feel the manager is a friend'. Both people we spoke with felt their relatives had thrived with the care received at Max Potential.
We saw how complaints were dealt with by the service. These were followed up appropriately, but had not always been logged in a complaints file. We discussed this with the manager who agreed to keep a separate complaints file in the future.