We considered the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We spoke with five people using the service, looked at care records of three people in detail and a selection of other records in relation to other people's care. We also spoke to three staff on duty and the provider and manager. This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
Before people were admitted to the home arrangements were in place to make sure they would be safe in the environment and there was enough skilled and qualified staff to meet their needs.
We found people had been given a contract of residence outlining the terms and conditions of residency therefore protecting their legal rights.
People told us they were treated with respect and dignity by the staff. Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. Staff had been made aware of who may be at risk of falling, developing pressure ulcers or may not eat enough. There was good evidence staff worked with other professionals to ensure people had the right care.
People's care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way to protect them from any unlawful discrimination within the home and wider community. They had opportunities to continue to practice their faith, vote in elections and access community health and social facilities.
Staff were trained in emergency procedures such as fire and first aid. Staff had all received training in safe moving and handling people.
People told us they felt safe. 'I have to say I feel safe here. Staff come immediately if I ring for them. There is never any question regarding their attitude to us at all. We're like a family with everyone looking out for each other.'
People who use the service were protected from the risk of abuse. Staff had been trained in safeguarding vulnerable adults. They had access to and were familiar with policies and procedures for defining, identifying, reporting and documenting abuse or suspected abuse. People were encouraged to tell the manager and provider if they were ever uncomfortable or unhappy with any aspect of care. At the time of inspection, no safeguarding referrals had been made.
The provider and manager had been trained and understood their obligation to apply the principles of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS). This is a legal framework designed to protect the best interests of people who are unable to make their own decisions. No person living at the home had been assessed as needing this safeguard in place.
Care had been taken to make sure people were kept safe by only employing people who had proven good character records. Contractual arrangements meant staff could not gain financially from people they cared for.
Systems were in place to make sure the provider and manager continually checked the service was safe. This reduced the risks to people and helped the service to continually improve.
Is the service caring?
People told us they were happy with the care they received and the staff team. They said, 'I get all the help I need. I can have a shower when I want one. I only have to ask. The staff are very good.' 'They (the staff) are really very nice and helpful. It's very pleasant living here. Whatever I need I get. You don't have to wait long for assistance. My experience living here is good.'
We observed staff were considerate, respectful of people's wishes, and delivered care and support in a way that maintained people's dignity and promoted their independence.
Staff worked to care plans that were sufficiently detailed on how best to meet individual needs. Daily records maintained showed staff responded to people's needs as required day and night. Staff had received training to meet the needs of people living in the home.
Surveys carried out showed people considered the service they received was very good. They wrote, 'I am more than satisfied with the care, the staff and the food. I loved my own home and now I regard this as my home for as long as I live'.
Is the service responsive?
People were given plenty of opportunities to say what they wanted. They discussed their care with staff and had their own routine for daily living. Staff had a flexible approach to their work and daily routines at the home were based around people's needs and wishes. People's assessment of needs and care plans were reviewed regularly and professional help, support and guidance was sought from other health and social care professionals when needed.
People using the service and their relatives had completed a satisfaction survey. Residents meetings were held and people could say what they wanted and they felt listened to. A system was in place for receiving comments, compliments and complaints. People told us that they would know how to make a complaint, should they need to do so.
Is the service effective?
People told us they discussed their care. They had their own preferred routines, likes and dislikes which staff knew about. They said, 'I get all the help I need. I can have a shower when I want one. I only have to ask. The staff are very good.' And, 'They (the staff) are really very nice and helpful. It's very pleasant living here. Whatever I need I get. You don't have to wait long for assistance. My experience living here is good.'
People's health and well-being was monitored and appropriate advice and support had been sought in response to changes in their condition. The service had good links with other health care professionals to make sure people received prompt, co-ordinated and effective care.
People told us they were consulted with and listened to. One person told us they were involved in discussions and decisions about the activities they would prefer. They said, 'I enjoy a walk with the staff to the shops or around the block.'
We saw that good attention was given to people's appearance. Clothes were laundered well and the hairdresser visited regularly.
Is the service well led?
People told us the management of the service was very good. They said 'Everyone is very kind. The manager gets involved in everything we do. It's easy here as there are only a few of us so nothing goes amiss without someone spotting it. I've no cause to grumble.' Another person said, 'We can talk to any of the staff. They always have time for you.'
The service had a registered manager responsible for the day to day management of the home. Staff were clear about their responsibilities and duty of care. Staff said they had very good support from the manager and provider and were confident to give their views or any concern they raised would be dealt with quickly.