Updated 13 November 2024
This assessment took place between 27 Nov and 5 Dec 2024. Kingston Care Home provides care to up to 67 people. At the time of our assessment there were 67 people using the service. The service had made improvements and no longer in breach of regulations. The service now ensured people’s right to privacy and to be treated with dignity was respected at all times. People took part in a wider range of activities to support their wellbeing. There were now enough skilled and experienced staff who received relevant training and support through supervision at more regular intervals. Management of the service was more consistent and the registered manager was highly regarded. Governance systems were now effective and records management had improved. The environment was better maintained. Staff understood how to safeguard and protect people from risk of abuse. Risk to people was managed well. Learning from events was used to improve the safety of the service. Checks were carried out of the premises and equipment to ensure they were safe. Infection risks were managed well. Recruitment practice was safe and suitable staff were employed at the service. People received care focussed on their individual needs including those related to their protected equality characteristics. Staff understood people’s rights and how these should be met. People were provided with information which met their individual communication needs. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives. Staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests. People were supported to stay healthy and received their medicines when needed. People’s care was regularly reviewed to ensure this remained effective. Staff were valued, supported with their wellbeing and encouraged to raise concerns which were listened to. There was a culture of improvement, inclusivity and partnership working, focused on supporting people to achieve positive outcomes.