We also spoke with four people who had used the service and reviewed the medical records of three people. People we spoke with were satisfied with the care and treatment provided by the practice. One person told us: "Everything is explained very clearly and the dentist really will listen to you and take the time to make sure you are happy without rushing you into things."
People told us that they were happy with the cleanliness of the practice. We saw that there were good arrangements in place for infection control and for keeping premises and instruments clean. This meant the risk of infection for people using the service was minimised.
We looked at the personnel files of two staff and spoke with two staff members. We found that professional qualifications and registration certificates of staff were up to date. This meant that people using the service could be confident they would be supported by staff who were registered to provide treatment.
The provider did not have an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people receive. There was a lack of regular auditing and we could not see evidence that views from people using the service were being taken into account. We saw that documentation relating to staff appraisals was inconsistent and unclear. The majority of policies we viewed were not dated. This meant that we could not determine how long ago the policies had been last updated and if they were still relevant.