28 June 2017
During a routine inspection
Grapevine Care Limited is a domiciliary care agency providing care and support for two people in their own homes. The service had a new provider but the name of the company remained the same.
There was no registered manager in post but the registered manager from the new provider’s DCA service in Cheltenham had started their registration with CQC with the intention of managing both small agencies. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Risks to people’s safety were identified, assessed and appropriate action was taken. Staff had completed safeguarding adults training and knew how to keep people safe and report concerns. People’s medicines were safely managed. There were thorough recruitment procedures. Checks to help ensure suitable staff were employed to care and support people had been completed.
People were supported to maintain good health and be involved in decisions about their health. Healthcare professionals monitored their health. People were protected by staff having regard to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). The MCA provides the legal framework to assess people’s
capacity to make certain decisions and record a best interest decision with professional and their supporter’s
People were provided with individualised care and support. Staff had the knowledge and skills to carry out their roles and their training was updated. Staff knew people well and treated them with dignity and respect. One person told us the staff were like friends and they said the staff were wonderful.
Quality assurance procedures were used to monitor and improve the service for people and included them in developing their care and support. Feedback from people and their relatives or supporters was used to improve the service. Regular quality checks helped to ensure the service was safe.