30 April 2019
During a routine inspection
Chillcott Gardens is a supported living scheme for people over the age of 55 with a housing need. They are registered to provide personal care for older people some of who are living with a physical disability, sensory impairment or dementia in their own flats.
Not everyone using Chillcott Gardens received a regulated activity. CQC only inspects the service received by people provided with 'personal care': for example, help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do we also take into account any wider social care provided.
At the time of our inspection 54 people were receiving the regulated activity of personal care.
People’s experience of using this service:
People received safe support with their medicines by competent staff members. The provider had systems in place to respond to any medicine errors should they occur. The provider completed regular checks to ensure people received the right medicine at the right time.
The provider had assessed risks to people associated with their care and support. Staff members were knowledgeable about these risks and knew what to do to minimise the potential of harm to people. Staff members were aware of the necessary action they should take in the event of an emergency.
People received safe care and support as the staff team had been trained to recognise potential signs of abuse and understood what to do to safely support people. Staff members followed effective infection prevention and control procedures when supporting people in their own homes. Staff members had access to and used appropriate personal protection equipment.
The provider supported staff in providing effective care for people through person-centred care planning, training and one-to-one supervision. Staff members were knowledgeable about the relevant legislations that informed their practice and supported the rights of those receiving services from Chillcott Gardens. People were supported to have choice and control over their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems supported this practice.
People were supported to refer themselves for additional healthcare services when required. When appropriate people were supported to maintain a healthy diet by a staff team which knew their individual preferences.
People received help and support from a kind and compassionate staff team with whom they had positive relationships. People were supported by staff members who were aware of their individual protected characteristics like age, gender and disability. People were supported to retain their independence whilst living in their own homes.
People were provided with information in a way they could understand. The provider had systems in place to encourage and respond to any complaints or compliments from people or those close to them.
The provider, and management team, had good links with the local communities within which people lived. The provider had systems in place to ensure the Care Quality Commission was notified of significant events in a timely manner and in accordance with their registration.
More information in Detailed Findings below.
Rating at last inspection:
At the last inspection Chillcott Gardens was rated ‘Good’ (Published 31 October 2016).
Why we inspected:
This was a planned inspection based on the rating at the last inspection, ‘Good.’
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor all intelligence received about the service to ensure the next planned inspection is scheduled accordingly.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk