16 April 2014
During a routine inspection
We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask; Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well led? This is a summary of what we found.
Is the service safe?
We found that the service was individually tailored to people's care needs and that people were treated with dignity and respect by the staff. There were systems, policies and procedures in place which ensured risks to people were reduced and that the service was safe.
Risk assessments had been undertaken and we were shown examples where these had been followed by staff. People were given choice and remained in control of decisions about their care and lives.
Policies and procedures in place ensured that risk was reduced, unsafe practice was identified and people were protected.
Is the service effective?
Everyone who used the agency had received a needs assessment and were involved in the development of their care plan. Care plans examined were clear in explaining what care and support was needed. Daily records were detailed and up to date which showed us that staff provided the appropriate care and support specified in the care plan.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with three people who received a service about the care they received. They told us that staff were reliable and on time. One person said, 'the service is first class. I can do much more for myself now' and another said, 'they (the agency and staff) are just perfect, I am so lucky'. We observed friendly, caring, interactions between people and the staff who knew each other well.
We spoke with two members of staff who told us they 'loved' working with people in the community and enjoyed helping people to maintain their independence.
Is the service responsive?
The agency was able to respond quickly to any request from people or their families to change or amend the planned service. People were aware of the complaints procedure but none had any complaint. They told us communication with staff and the office was easy and they had no hesitation in making contact if there was ever any concern.
Is the service well led?
The agency had formal systems in place to monitor the quality of the service provided. There was a clear management structure place and lines of accountability were clear. Staff had a good understanding of the ethos of the agency and to quality processes in place. The provider was actively involved in the day to day operation of the service and committed, alongside other staff to continuous improvement of the service.