16 May 2013
During a routine inspection
We met and spoke with four people who used the service; five visitors and nine staff. We looked at four care records, two staff recruitment records and records for the management and administration of the service. We used information from the provider's quality assurance processes. We spent time observing the communal areas of the home and people's experiences of a mealtime at midday.
One visitor told us they valued the support and care given to the person they cared for. They told us about how they felt assured that their relative was in 'safe hands.' They also confirmed staff were quick to inform and updated them if there were any changes in their relative's health or wellbeing.
We saw people were protected from the risks of inadequate nutrition and dehydration this was because they had appropriate systems to monitor people's wellbeing. However, they were not always provided with an enjoyable dining experience.
People in general gave very complimentary remarks about the staff working in the home. They used words such as 'Wonderful,' and 'Friendly,'
People were asked about their opinion of the service and these opinions were acted upon to make improvements to what was provided to them.