7 March 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke to four staff members, which included the unregistered manager, spent time observing the care people were receiving, talked to people living in the home, looked at four people's care files in detail and looked at training records for three staff members.
People that used the service were asked for their consent to treatment and were involved with the planning of their care. We saw staff supporting and involving people in every day tasks. For example we observed a staff member assisting one person to do their personal laundry.
We spent time observing people, they presented as being relaxed and able to make choices. We saw two people make their own hot drinks and another freely able to access the outdoor area. We observed two people enjoying recreational activities during the morning. For example one person was busy drawing and another collected a jigsaw puzzle.
The people living at the Gables were supported by staff members who were trained and supported. Staff spoke confidently about the care practices they delivered.
Staff monitored the service on a regular basis and involved people that lived at the Gables in this process.