16 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We received mixed comments about the service provided. One professional we spoke with told us that they had found the service 'helpful and supportive'; while another person told us that it was 'unreliable'. We were also told that the provider struggled to cover shifts at times. Another person told us the provider was 'absolutely fantastic'.
Each person had a support plan in place which was specific to that person's needs. Not all of these or the risk assessments had been updated in line with the frequency identified by the provider.
Staff had completed training in how to keep people safe and where able to tell us what they would do if they had concerns. However, we found that not all incidents had been referred to the Local Authority Safeguarding Board.
We saw that the provider had carried out sufficient pre-employment checks on staff to help ensure that they were suitable to work in this environment.
The provider had a complaints system in place. There was evidence that complaints had been investigated.
We found that not all care records contained up to date information about the person who used the service. This meant that staff may not have been aware of any changes in a person's behaviour or their support needs.