We found people were involved in planning support and development of the wider organisation. People told us they felt respected and listened to and were given various opportunities to get involved in groups run by the service. One person told us 'When I wrote my plan I felt listened to and I got the support I wanted'.
Care plans were detailed, person centred, accurate and up to date. People had reviews and chances to adapt care and support on a regular basis. People told us they were happy with the support they were receiving. One person told us 'It makes my life better'.
Staff had safeguarding training and had good knowledge of the signs of abuse, responsibilities to protect people and appropriate action in situations. People who used the service told us they felt safe around the staff.
We spoke with staff and looked at training and supervision records. Staff were given opportunities to access training and told us they felt well supported by management and the wider organisation. They received regular supervision and feedback on their job role. One staff member told us 'There is always support available from within the organisation'.
We looked at the complaints system which was robust and used appropriately. The service had dealt with complaints fairly and thoroughly. Record keeping within the service was accurate, fit for purpose and up to date. Management had a good understanding of the systems for recording, retention and destruction of paperwork.