Archived: Lauriston House
All Inspections
29 August 2012
During a routine inspection
August 2012. People had some very different experiences at the home: for example some
people found the food good and others told us there was not enough to eat and the quality
of the food had deteriorated in 2012. Most people we spoke with told us there were not
enough staff at the home and that their call bells were not always working.
We also used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a specific
way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk
with us. We observed a mixed picture of care in the home. Some positive interactions
between staff and people using the service were observed on the dementia unit, and staff
addressed people by their name. On another unit we observed staff talking over some of
the people using the service, about another resident in the home.