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  • Care home

Archived: Green Acres Nursing Home

Rigton Drive, Burmantofts, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 7PY (0113) 248 3334

Provided and run by:
Life Style Care (2011) plc

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile
Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

All Inspections


During a routine inspection

Green Acres Nursing Home is a purpose built home located about a mile and a half from Leeds City Centre. The home provides care for up to 62 people, including 26 NHS Intermediate Care beds. Intermediate care is a collection of services aimed at helping people stay in their own home, or care home instead of going into hospital, or that help people get home after a hospital stay.

The service had a manager and they were registered with the Care Quality Commission. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service and shares the legal responsibility for meeting the requirements of the law with the provider.

On the day of our inspection we met most of the people who used the service and talked with twenty people, including visiting some people in their rooms. We were not able to speak with some people as they were too ill to speak with us. We spoke with nine visiting relatives and friends. The people we spoke with told us they felt well cared for and safe at Green Acres. We saw that staff treated people with respect and were mindful of their rights and dignity.

We found the service was meeting the requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. These safeguards make sure that people who lack capacity to make decisions are not deprived of their liberty unlawfully and are protected. People’s human rights were therefore properly recognised, respected and promoted.

People’s plans included risk assessments. These told the staff about the risks for each person and how to manage and minimise the risks to help keep people safe. People’s needs had been assessed and their care given in a way that suited their needs, without placing unnecessary restrictions on them.

The arrangements for handling medicines were safe and people received their medicines as prescribed.

People who used the service and people who mattered to them, such as a close family member, had been encouraged to make their views known about their care. They had contributed to their assessments and care plans, about how they should be given care. People’s care plans had a good level of information about how each person should be cared for; to make sure their needs were met.  

The staff were well trained, skilled and experienced. They had caring attitudes and we saw they encouraged people to be as independent as they could be, and chose to be. People told us the staff were kind. We saw people had the privacy they needed.  

People were encouraged to share any concerns and complaints they had. They said they told the staff if they had any worries. People didn’t have any complaints to tell us about and were very happy with the care they received at Green Acres. 

People had a chance to say what they thought about the service and the service learned from its mistakes, using complaints and incidents as an opportunity for learning and improvement. There was good leadership at all levels and the registered manager and her deputy promoted a positive culture that was person centred, open, inclusive and caring. 

The environment was clean, safe and well maintained. We saw an example of good practice where each person had the name and photograph of their key worker and the name of their nurse printed on a colourful poster attached to the wardrobe, in a prominent position in each room. This helped people with recognition.

24 October 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our visit on 9th July, 2013, we had concerns about the care and welfare of people who used the services in the home. As a result of our findings we asked the provider to submit an action plan stating how they were going to respond to our concerns.

We spoke with six people who used the service and three relatives. Everyone we spoke with was very complimentary about the service. One person said, "Staff are very kind, very efficient." and "They always answer the bell in a couple of minutes, they don't keep you waiting." A relative we spoke with said, "The call bell seems to be answered very quickly, I don't hear it ringing for long periods of time." Another person who used the service said, "They are all good lasses, I prefer to stay in my room and they answer the bell very quickly." Another relative told us, "My X (relative) loves it here; the staff are great, really friendly and really helpful."

People who used the service told us they had no need to complain but if they did they felt confident their complaints would be taken seriously and acted upon. We spoke with three members who said senior staff and the management team were approachable and would support staff and/or residents with a complaint.

9 July 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

We conducted this inspection as a result of concerns raised. We spoke with eight people who used the service. The majority were very happy with the care they received although three people told us information which gave us cause to be concerned.

We saw an incident where a person appeared to be in discomfort whilst care was being given, a nurse intervened and dealt with the incident appropriately.

One person told us "Staff don't always come when asked." and another person who was very happy with the care they received said "It could be five or ten minutes before the bell was answered."

During our observations we noted positive interaction between the staff and people who used the service. We observed when people needed support, staff provided this in a sensitive and friendly way.

At the time of our visit the home was not fully occupied. They have the capacity for 62 people and currently only have 51. The home still has a full complement of staff with the exception of 1 nurse.

The manager kept a complaints log which provided an overview of any complaints received by the service. The records showed us complaints were investigated and responded to.

3 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with six people who lived at Green Acres during the visit and spoke with the six staff who were on duty. People we spoke with described the home as a nice place in which to live. One person said, "All the carers are alright, they are nice." Another person said, "The carers are very kind, I've nothing to complain about." A relative we spoke with said, "This home is first class, top drawer, you can't fault it and the food is top class." We also reviewed five care plans. We saw that the care was person centred and people were listened to by the staff.

We saw the care plans had been drawn up with the person so that the home could be sure they were meeting the person's needs and wishes.

A person we spoke with said, "The home is very clean, spotless." Another person said, "The cleanliness is very good." A relative told us, "They keep the home clean, we've never had a problem with cleanliness and it always smells nice." Another relative also said, "It's spotless."

The recruitment records we checked showed the provider had effective recruitment policies and procedures in place to ensure staff were both fit and able to meet people's needs.

Green Acres had systems in place that ensured all aspects of the running of the home, and meeting people's needs had been regularly audited. People had been invited to comment on how the home was meeting their needs.

8 August 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

People we spoke with were pleased with the service they were receiving and complimented all the staff that cared for them. One person said 'We are very well looked after here.'

People were complimentary about the food and said they had more than enough to eat. They told us they felt safe in the home and were aware of the complaints system and would be confident they would be listened to and acted upon.

One person said 'I always said that I would never live in a home, but people really care here I really like it here.'

1 May 2012

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with during the visit to the home felt the care and support provided was excellent and it felt like home. People commented that they felt supported and that staff were approachable. One person who used the service said: 'Staff are friendly and I get the care I want' and another person said 'I really like living here.'