11 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that staff provided what was required by the people who used the service in a way that demonstrated their knowledge of each individual's needs. We spoke with the four staff on duty and the manager. Most of the people at Braeside had learning disabilities which limited their communication and therefore they could not tell us their views.
We were able to observe the experiences of people who used the service. For instance, we spent time with people as they had their breakfast and observed how staff supported and encouraged them. We saw how staff enabled people to make their own choices and decisions. We saw staff understood each person's different needs, for example, when they could not manage independently and so required additional support.
Staff supported people to make choices about how they spent their day and the activities they were offered. On the day of our visit the people living at Braeside were planning to eat out and we saw how staff supported them in the choice of where they would go for lunch. One of the people who used the service decided they wanted to go for a drive with a member of staff instead.
We observed people being spoken to and supported in a sensitive, respectful and professional manner. Staff included people who used the service in day to day decision-making wherever possible.
Each person had their own bedroom which was personalised. We saw the provider had made suitable adaptations to meet people's physical needs. We observed that staff respected people's privacy and did not enter rooms without permission. We saw that the people who used the service related well with the staff. We saw that the staff communicated well and appropriately with people in a way that was easily understood.
We found that before people received any care or treatment they were asked for their consent and the provider had acted in accordance with their wishes. Where people did not have the capacity to consent, the provider acted in accordance with legal requirements.
We found that people who used the service had their care and welfare needs met.
We found that there were good systems in place for the involvement of other health or social care professionals.
We found that people who used the service were protected and safe. We found that there was an effective infection control system in place and that the home had a clean and suitable environment.
We found that people's views were important and listened to. We found that there was an effective complaints system in place.